Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Apple Tree Youtube Video

My last post talked about a type of video that has become incredibly popular over the past few years around the web.  In searching around for these type of videos I came across one that really blows all the rest oout of the water and I felt compelled to talk about it.  It is called "The Apple Tree" and it is a music video of sorts.  A fan of the Electronica band The glitch Mob spent around 200 hours editing few second long clips from a huge range of movies to remixes of the Glitch Mob's work.  It is an idea that has been done many times before, however this particular user has created this video with some high tech editing software and some serious time consumption.  He has made the video to jump from clip to clip at just the right moment and have some action event appear every time there is a hard sound.  This makes for the effect of having ever small clip flow with the music.  The music chosen is quite fast and heavy most of the time and certainly fits a lot of the explosions and fight scenes chosen by the creator.

This piece is really col simply because it has both an extremely appealing visual element as well as having great audio to back it up.  In my opinion it is the best edited clip/music video I have ever seen.  His hard work has really paid off in the final product as everyone I show it to has been impressed with it.

Here is the link to the video: (watch it in HD) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gP_Q2myNWo

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